National Camera Day!

Happy National Camera Day!!! As you can see I have quite the camera collection. Cameras help spark my creativity and I love every moment of it. I have a busy schedule ahead of me and can’t wait to have my next film shoot for Autism Ability with the Disability Film Challenge grant money and turn my winning film into a feature documentary.

Scott Klumb NAB 2024 with Adobe!

I just had the most amazing trip to NAB 2024 all thanks to Adobe and their Fellow Program. Here are some photos of Sara and I loving every moment of the trip! A big thank you goes out to Nic Novicki of the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge for connecting me with Adobe…

Happy World Autism Acceptance and Awareness Day – 2024

Happy World Autism Acceptance and Awareness Day, everyone. This day and the month of April mean a lot to me as an autistic adult, and I wanted to speak to it a little bit.

In the last year or two, my life has grown exponentially, and I continue to find ways to flourish. Yes, I have my difficulties as an autistic adult pretty regularly, but I do not allow that to overshadow all of the great things happening in my life.

One thing I have seen in my life and other autistic people’s lives is being told what they can and can’t do and being very limited in growth and the ability to thrive in life. I was one of those people for a long time, but after the experience, I would tell autistic parents, kids, and adults to reach for the stars and follow their passions and dreams. You never know where this might lead.

In the last few days, I got one of my biggest film career opportunities. I cannot wait to share more about it soon and document my experience for all of you. This opportunity seems larger than life, and I am still blown away and feel speechless about it.

But it’s not just that; last year, I married my beautiful wife, @saraklumb, and our award-winning film Change has been in film festivals worldwide. I am nearing completion of my first feature film and hope to finish it by the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025. I also helped run a film festival and done public speaking engagements. I recently became a part of the @flutiefdn family and am a cohost of a podcast with one of my best friends, @jennifermsumba. I am also a filmmaker and a member of the Stars of the Spectrum Golf League.
One of my favorite things these days is being a barista at @bittyandbeaus Coffee, which adds more structure to my life, gives me the opportunity to have a job in a supportive work environment, and the ability to make new friends.

Just remember to follow your dreams and not let anyone hold you back. The worst thing that could happen is that things remain the same, but you won’t know unless you try.

Have a great day, everyone!

13 Years Sober!!!

Hi everyone, today is a big day for me, today I turned 13 years sober. Getting sober changed my life for the best in so many ways. When it comes to my creativity it has helped me have a clearer head and be able to create amazing films that touch people’s hearts. If I wasn’t sober I do not belive I would be able to make the films I do that connect with so many. I’ve been in nearly 50 film festivals and won 11 awards in three years. While it’s been a long journey with highs and lows being sober, I would never trade it for anything else in the world because my sobriety is one of the most important things to me in my life. If you are struggling with addictions and need someone to talk to, I am happy to listen and be there how I can. I know the first steps to recovery are tough, but it is worth it.

Change Starting Off Strong

Change is off to a great start in film festivals. I cannot wait to see what else Change has in store in the future!

Multi-Award-Winning Filmmaker

Here I am sitting by all my awards doing an interview to announce my film at the 2022 AutFest in Texas!

Teaching Autistic People Filmmaking

For almost eight weeks now I have been teaching other Autistic kids filmmaking at TACT. TACT stands for Teaching the Autism Community Trades. The students have learned a lot so far and continue to grow.

Thoughty Auti Podcast S2-Ep8

Check out my new podcast with Thomas Henley at

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