Autism and Headphones

Autism and Headphones – As an autistic person, headphones are one of the best things to help me cope in a variety of overwhelming situations. Noise cancelling headphones help me tune out most background noises and help make things more manageable. This can be very useful in crowded places or locations with high frequency noises. After having a meltdown or shutting down, headphones can also provide a sense of calm and focus. Headphones will always be one of my go to coping mechanism. How do headphones best help you?

One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary – Today marks Sara’s and my one year anniversary of being together. I couldn’t be any happier about where I am, and Sara is the best person to spend my life with. Sara is my partner in life and my best friend, which is something I’ve always wanted. We have so much in common and are pretty much inseparable. Without Sara, I would not be where I am today, I love her so much, and she means the world to me. Thank you for being you, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you and marry you in October.

Denver Nuggets NBA Champions!!!

I can’t believe the Denver Nuggets won!!! One of my special interests as an autistic person is Denver Nuggets basketball, and I’ve been a huge fan for years. The level of emotion with this championship feels very surreal. I had to rush out of my new home today to get some championship gear because I’m very proud of the Denver Nuggets, who finally took the Larry O’Brien Championship Trophy home to Denver. With this Nuggets team we could take home many more championships in the years to come!

Multi-Award-Winning Filmmaker

Here I am sitting by all my awards doing an interview to announce my film at the 2022 AutFest in Texas!

Teaching Autistic People Filmmaking

For almost eight weeks now I have been teaching other Autistic kids filmmaking at TACT. TACT stands for Teaching the Autism Community Trades. The students have learned a lot so far and continue to grow.

Close Friends

This was the first time Jennifer Msumba and I met in person. We are both autistic and relate to one another in a variety of ways.


Thoughty Auti Podcast S2-Ep8

Check out my new podcast with Thomas Henley at

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